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Covid-19 + Bathroom Design


Coronavirus also spread through feces, every toilet has the potential to be the breeding ground for future outbreaks – hidden in plain site!

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Toilets are source contamination sites!

Research has shown that current bathroom ventilation design is backward. Bathrooms need to be ventilated from the top down below the toilet to prevent infection.

Toilet plume is 7 x more contagious than coughing or sneezing!

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“Toilet Plume” the invisible vapour cloud of aerosolized viruses and bacteria that are detonated upward and outward (like a mini atomic mushroom cloud) every time you flush after using the toilet. These airborne micro organisms don’t just magically disappear either – often drawn further upward by extractor fans positioned in bathroom ceilings, they circulate the room before landing on every available surface (including taps, handles and toothbrushes).

Worse still, research has established that toilet plume is a whopping seven times more contagious than coughing and sneezing.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 is not the first virus to bring these unpleasant facts into sharp focus. As far back as
2003, toilet plume (officially called toilet aerosolization has been cited as one of the major causes for the rapid spreading of the 2003 SARS epidemic.

In that instance, a SARS-infected Chinese doctor (staying at the Metropole Hong Kong Hotel) used his toilet, situated close to his rooms entry door. His aerosolized SARS virions were pushed out into the hallway, creating a SARS fecal cloud. No less than 15 unlucky guests passed through that fecal cloud, becoming infected themselves, and in turn, quickly taking the infection with them across the world.

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Hygizone turns the toilet into an extractor fan – sucking odours and toxins away before they have a chance
to leave the bowl and contaminate surroundings.

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